Mission - Vision
- To train mathematicians who have the universal and ethical values of science, adopt the basic principles, apply scientific research techniques in solving problems, and can think independently and creatively,
- It is a duty to implement multi-disciplinary undergraduate and graduate programs, following national/international developments with a student-centered education-teaching approach, making national/international collaborations, and presenting the scientific knowledge and experience it has acquired for the benefit of the society.

- Guiding scientific and technological development, conducting multi-disciplinary studies with fields such as engineering, economics and health sciences, pioneering such studies, contributing to the updating and universal development of mathematics,
-To be an exemplary department in mathematics undergraduate and graduate education and training, to increase the quality of education, to increase the number of articles so that the department staff can carry out international studies, to be a unit that contributes to the training of graduates who are sought after in the world of modern, entrepreneurial business and science.